What To Feed Your Red Worms
Now that your worms are accustomed to their new home you will want to start slowly feeding them. We recommend that you start out with small amounts of food to get to know what your wigglers like to eat and also to monitor the quantity. Do’s & Don’ts Red Wigglers are known to love Watermelon, Pureed Pumpkin (pie filling), and Corn Meal. Here are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to feeding your worms. Dont’s: glossy paper products meat products dairy products jalapenos and other spicy foods cat and dog poo – can be composted by the worms but not if castings are to be used in the garden. Poses a…
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Worms!
Many people have many questions about the keeping of worms. There are many great resources available on the web to answer your questions. We decided to make a quick list of the most common questions about vermicomposting. Do worms bite?
Worm Bin Bedding
Once you purchase or make your worm bin you will need to supply the worms with bedding in which they can hide in and eventually consume. The easiest and most popular form of bedding is cardboard and newspaper (minus the glossy ads and printed with soy based ink, which most papers use today). Another great way to recycle your household waste. The best way we have found to add bedding to the bin is to tear the newspaper and cardboard into 2-3″ strips and separate out the pieces into the bin. Keep adding the material until the bedding is 6-9″ deep. Moisten the bedding Next you can use a spray bottle…