How to Start A Worm Business From Home
Worm farming is on the rise. For about 8 years I operated a small worm from up in Washington State. For me, it was not a dream business that I was trying to pursue. If you had asked me a few years before, what I wanted to do for a living, that would never have crossed my mind. It just sort of happened. And I lOVED every moment of it! Now I will help you figure out how to start your own worm business from home.
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How I Got Started Selling Worms
My love of gardening took me down a winding rabbit hole of ways to create an organically rich garden with little to no fertilizers. Once I finally figured it out, I decided to share my knowledge with other avid gardeners and created a website. That is how Northwest Wigglers was born.
This little blog and hobby of mine soon snowballed into a $40,000 a year side business. But it was quite a learning curve. I felt like I was trying to re-invent the wheel. Despite many obstacles, I soon began not just selling worms, but worm bins, food, and other supplies.
Teaching Worm Farming Classes
Local schools would contact me to teach classes for earth day. Teaching kids about worms is like teaching them a whole lifecycle. Plants grow, they die, they get eaten and are turned into one of the most amazing fertilizers you could possibly imagine. These worm castings would then be used to create a new life and the cycle would continue.

My little business turned into school classes, receiving invitations to local home shows, and working with local utility districts to promote recycling. I sold worm bins, & worms to people across the US and Canada. Teaching classes to adults as well as kids was something I really enjoyed. I loved showing them how to set up their new worm bins and how to care for their worms.

The Worm Farming Industry
The worm business is on the rise as more people are turning to organic gardening in their own backyards. Not only is the sale of worms growing every year, but the sale of the worm castings (aka worm poop, fertilizer) and tea. There are millions of people like you who are looking for ways to grow and harvest healthier food.
Worm farmers can generate anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 plus a year. A pound of worms is typically sold for about $20-30 a pound. On average that is about 800-1,000 red worms.
Setup costs can range anywhere from $50 or up to $1,000 depending on your space, needs and how quickly you want to get your business off the ground.
Why Start A Worm Business From Home?
Worms are one of the BEST composters and recyclers known to man. Red Wigglers or Eisenia fetida are the most common type of worms most people start out with and are a great choice. But before diving straight into a worm business, make sure to test the waters first. you will want to make sure you have the knowledge and skills to keep them alive in any kind of weather. This can be a little tricky, especially in very hot or cold climates. But there ARE ways around this.
A worm business side hustle takes up little of your time and if you are gardener, it will create lots of added benefits. I went 8 plus years without ever purchasing additional fertilizers for my 1-acre garden, and it THRIVED. We could pretty much grow anything beautifully with the addition of a handful or two of worm castings added to the planting and seeding areas.
Having a worm business can take up as little or much space as you desire. Mine was based in our garage with a large (4′ round) commercial worm bin sitting right outside the door.
How to Start A Worm Business From Home
I found this great course that I wanted to share with you! It was put together by a fellow worm farmer to bring you everything you need to know to start your own worm business from home. He has laid everything out to help you get started a lot quicker and easier than I did. I wish a course like this was around when I started. This information would have been invaluable to me as my business got going.

Introducing The Worm Farming For Profit Income System includes: |
One year membership to his Worm Farming For Profit Club. VIP access to his private Facebook member’s area. Share ideas with others all over the world. Make new like-minded friends 16 videos, audios, workbooks, and checklists. |
Who Buys Worms?
Your customer base is not just one type of person, but many. Everyone from gardeners to fishermen and the environmentally conscious. Gardeners love them because they produce the world’s most perfect fertilizers. Fishermen love them because, well, fish love them. Other people love having worms bins in their homes to recycle paper, kitchen scraps, and cardboard. Yes, worms eat all of that!
Related Articles |
What To Feed Your Red Worms How to Set up a Worm Bin EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT WORMS |

What Will I Learn in This Course?
This Worm Farming course teaches you exactly what you need to do to start a worm business from home. From building the worm bins to feeding and harvesting the castings. The whole process is laid out for you. No guessing, no google searching. He is even available to answer your questions.
Worms eat 1/2 their body weight a day in food scraps! WAYYY faster than your conventional composter.
What you will learn: |
-how to set up your first worm farm -where to source your starter worms -what to feed your worms -how to use free advertising to promote your tea and castings -learn how to consign fishing worms -how to rent out your worms to composters -learn the secret market for worms to people who raised chickens rabbits and fish -learn how to run your business in a couple of hours |
I literally worked less than 10 hours a week on my worm business when I was making over $40,00 a year. With the tools he provides in this course, you can have a very lucrative side business, that may quickly turn into a full-time income. Plus, these days, gardening is on the rise. Owning a worm bin is becoming more mainstream and not as tough a sell as it used to be. There is no better time to get started!
How Can I Save My Spot?
Worm Farming for Profit – A System that’s Fast, Easy and Foolproof
You will also receive a report on how to raise worms such as mealworms for farm animals and reptiles. We actually have our own little mealworm farm here at Yardibles. We will be posting more on that soon. And the best part? If you are not satisfied with the program, they will deactivate your member’s access and immediately refund your money. No questions asked.
For the World’s fastest and easiest way to learn how to earn $500-$1000 a month raising worms, check out his course:
*Yardibles is not a part of this worm farm, just wanted to pass along on some great information on how to get started worm farming.