What to Plant in your Arizona Low Desert Garden in July
It is heating up here in the Arizona desert, but it is not too late to plant your garden. There are loads of heat-loving plants that thrive in this scorching heat. See what to plant in your Arizona Low Desert Garden in July.
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If you think you missed your chance to grow some juicy cantaloupe in your garden, think again! Cantaloupe can be planted near Phoenix for most of the summer.
- Charentais Cantaloupe – Heirloom
- Hale’s Best Jumbo Cantaloupe/Muskmelon Melon Seeds –Organic, Heirloom
- Hearts of Gold Cantaloupe/Muskmelon Melon Seeds – Organic, Heirloom

Watermelon is usually planted a little earlier in the year. But I am all about experimenting. A few published garden calendars say it is too late, some say it is a perfect time. What can you lose except a few seeds? Garden is one big experiment. Everyone has a different microclimate going in their yards. What may work for one person, may not work for another. I say GO for it!
- Sugar Baby Watermelon Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Moon and Stars Watermelon – Heirloom
Amaranth is a very versatile plant. You can cut back the leaves for eating and let the stems with seeds dry on the plant. The seeds can be collected once they are dry and reseeded the following year or ground into a flour for the kitchen.
- Burgundy Amaranth Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Hopi Red Dye Amaranth
The basil that I planted earlier in the year is going strong, but for a steady supply well into the fall, I love to put out more seeds in July. It is still an excellent time to get your basil started. Here are some easy varieties to grow:
- Italian Genovese Basil Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Italian Large Leaf Basil Seeds – Heirloom
- Purple Petra Basil Seeds – Organic

Armenian Cucumbers
Last month I plated a few Armenian Cucumber plants near my tortoise shed to give her some well-needed shade as the heat comes on. These cucumbers grow so fast they are already about 5 feet long and have started to flower. If you want to try a unique cucumber that Thrives in the Arizona heat, check out these easy to grow cucumbers.
Related Article:
Growing Armenian Cucumbers in the Phoenix Arizona Sun

Beans (Pinto, Snap Beans, Lima Beans)
Plant after the 15th
Beans are easy to grow and can yield a large amount of food in little space. The pole varieties love to climb high and will need some support. Bush varieties grow shorter and are self-supporting. Snap beans are best planted during the last half of the month.
- Royal Burgundy Bush Bean Seeds – Organic
- Trio Bush Bean Seeds – 3 Seed Varieties
- Blue Lake 274 Bush Bean Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Gold Rush Bush Bean Seeds – Organic
- Orient Wonder Pole Yard Long Bean Seeds
Black Eyed Peas (Cowpeas)
Black Eyed Peas, or also known as cowpeas, are a sun-loving, heat-tolerant bean that thrives in the summer heat. July is a great time to set out seeds for a fall harvest.

There is still some time to plant out your corn near the end of July. There are so many fun varieties you can try including the ones below:
- Honey and Cream Sweet Corn Seeds
- Sugarbaby Sweet Corn Seeds
- Dakota Black Popcorn Corn Seeds
- Glass Gem Flint Corn Seeds – Organic
As mid-July approaches, it is time for another round of cucumbers. If you love homemade pickles as much as we do, you will find some great varieties to plant this month below:
- Baby Persian Cucumber
- Homemade Pickles Cucumber Seeds
- Parisian Gherkin Cucumber Seeds– Organic
- Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
An easy way to extend your season for growing eggplants in the fall is to get started now. Eggplant is fairly easy to grow once established. July is a great time to get your fall seeds started as the monsoons drift. in this month. Here are a few varieties from Botanical Interests:
- Black Beauty Eggplant Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Long Purple Eggplant Seeds – Heirloom
- Listada de Gandia Eggplant Seeds – Organic, Heirloom

Luffa loves the sun, if you haven’t got your seeds in the ground yet, why not give it one last try in July. They love the heat and will produce into early fall.
It is time to start seeding your peppers again. The monsoon season is a great time to get your garden going for the fall. Here are a few unique varieties as well as some favorites that you may be familiar with:
- Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper Seeds
- California Wonder Sweet Pepper Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Cayenne Blend Chile Pepper Seeds
- Early Jalapeño Chile Pepper Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Shishito Chile Pepper Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
I just love growing pumpkins this time of year. There are so many fun and spooky varieties that you can grow. One of my favorites is the sugar pie pumpkin. These sweet little pumpkins are perfect for holiday pies.
- Sugar Pie Pumpkin Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Big Max Pumpkin Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Red Warty Thing Pumpkin Seeds
The Tomatillos we planted earlier this season are producing really well. We have been making Tomatillo Salsa Verde weekly over the past month. The last few weeks of July is also great time to plant for an early fall harvest.
- Toma Verde Tomatillo Seeds– Heirloom
- Pineapple Tomatillo Seeds – Heirloom

Tomatoes come in many shapes, colors and sizes. Start planting this mid-month for harvests throughout the fall.
- Sun Gold Cherry Tomato Seeds
- Artisan Tiger Stripes Blend Pole Cherry Tomato Seeds – Organic
- Italian Roma Bush Tomato Seeds – Organic
- Beefsteak Pole Tomato Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Heirloom Tomato Seed Collection
Winter Squash
There are many different varieties, shapes, and colors of winter squash. Don’t let the name confuse you. It is now time to get these planted for the winter. There are so many varieties of winter squash that you can grow. Some you may be familiar with are Butternut Squash, Acon Squash, and Spaghetti Squash. But there are so many other varieties available. A few I have planted in the past include:
- Waltham Butternut Winter Squash Seeds
- Table King Winter Acorn Squash Seeds
- Vegetable Spaghetti Winter Squash Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Sweet Meat Winter Squash Seeds
Yard Long Beans / Snake Beans
You still have time to grow some amazing beans. These are best planted in the first two weeks of July. There are many different varieties and colors of yard long beans. A few I have planted in the past include:
June is a great time to plant your summer flowers. Amount some of my favorites are marigolds, calendula petunias and purslane.
Cosmos is a tall delicate plant that adds an ounce of texture to your garden. These beautiful flowering plants are drought tolerant once established. They are a wonderful addition to the garden for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.
- Diablo Cosmos Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Sea Shells Blend Cosmos Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Candystripe Cosmos Seeds

Every month I set out a few more sunflower seeds. They are an excellent way to shade your sun-sensitive plants and get an early start on the next season. Tall plants like sunflowers are an excellent way to quickly create microclimates in your garden space. Plant them near your pole beans so they have something to climb up! Here are some beautiful sunflower varieties I grow in my garden:
- Mammoth Sunflower Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Heirloom Beauties Sunflower Seeds – Organic, Heirloom
- Goldy Honey Bear Sunflower Seeds – Organic
Vincas prefer fertile, well-drained soil and a little fertilizer at planting. However, once they are established, they will do well in hot, dry locations. These flowers do tend to self-seed.
- Vinca Mixed Flowers
Zinnia’s can be grown almost all summer long. These beautiful flowers are beautiful both as a cut flower and as a garnish in salads. Here are a few different varieties you can grow:
- California Giants Zinnia Seeds – Heirloom
- Giant Purple Zinnia Seeds – Organic
- Queeny Lime Orange Zinnia Seeds
This is my all-time favorite tree for my garden. Moringa is packed with nutrients and has many uses in the kitchen. You can grow this tree from seed and within a year you will have a 15ft tall tree. They are truly amazing. They do well in drought conditions and hot summers. Read more about them here: How to harvest & Prepare Moringa Pods
- Moringa Oleifera
Related Articles:How to harvest & Prepare Moringa Pods
Gluten-Free Homemade Moringa Noodle Recipe
Garlic Gluten-Free Moringa Noodles with Squash