- Composting Worms, How to Garden in Arizona - Tips & Tricks, Meal Worms, Organic Gardening Methods For Home Gardening
How to Start A Worm Business From Home
Worm farming is on the rise. For about 8 years I operated a small worm from up in Washington State. For me, it was not a dream business that I was trying to pursue. If you had asked me a few years before, what I wanted to do for a living, that would never have crossed my mind. It just sort of happened. And I lOVED every moment of it! Now I will help you figure out how to start your own worm business from home. How I Got Started Selling Worms My love of gardening took me down a winding rabbit hole of ways to create an organically rich…
How to Set up a Worm Bin
So you bought a worm bin…. now what? If you need help deciding what kind of composting worms will work best for your system, check out my post: 3 Common Types of Composting Worms