How to make Moringa Powder
Moringa is one of our favorite trees to grow here in the desert. They are low maintenance, drought-tolerant, and a great source of vitamins and minerals. The entire tree is edible from its roots to its leaves, flowers, and pods. In this new post we are going to go over how to make your own Moringa Powder.
How to Harvest & Prepare Moringa Pods
Moringa trees also referred to as Drumstick Trees. They are easy to grow in the Southwest and provide a good source of protein and vitamins. These trees are drought tolerant and can grow 1-2 ft per month from seed. Follow the steps below to learn how to Harvest & Prepare Moringa Pods. A superfood tree has been quietly making its way into many American backyards. This tree will provide you with food (all parts are edible), water (it can purify it), more protein and calcium than milk, four times the iron of spinach and… a LOT more: The Tree That Every Gardener Should Grow in their Backyard I planted one…